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MIFARE Plus vs Mifare Classic: Which One Is Right For You?

mifare plus vs mifare classic

In terms of contactless smart card technology, MIFARE Plus and MIFARE Classic are two of the most widely used. Although both provide a variety of functions, you may choose which one is best for your requirements by comparing their significant distinctions. We’ll compare the two technologies in this post and go through their benefits and drawbacks.

What Is MIFARE Plus?

NXP Semiconductors created the contactless smart card technology known as MIFARE Plus. It is intended to be an improvement over existing infrastructure, providing better security and new uses for smart cities. It employs the same data management as MIFARE Classic, its predecessor, but adds further levels of encryption to guard against fraud and forgery.

What Is MIFARE Classic?

NXP Semiconductors created MIFARE Classic, a widely used contactless smart card technology, in 1994. Because of its low cost and simplicity of use, it has now emerged as one of the most widely used contactless technologies. It has quick transaction speeds and each card may hold up to 1KB – 4KB of data. Nevertheless, it only offers the most fundamental authentication protocols—no further security precautions are offered.

Advantages Of MIFARE Plus

The main advantage of MIFARE Plus over MIFARE Classic is its enhanced security features. It uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit encryption to protect against fraud and counterfeiting, making it much harder for criminals to access or copy data stored on cards using this technology. Additionally, it offers support for multiple applications such as access control, loyalty programs, ticketing systems, and more. This makes it ideal for use in smart city applications where multiple services need to be securely integrated into one system.


The MIFARE Plus technology is extremely secure since it employs cutting-edge encryption methods. Important data and corporate assets are safeguarded from theft and fraud thanks to its ability to prohibit unauthorized access. Businesses can rest easy knowing that their inventory data is secure and protected with MIFARE Plus.


The MIFARE Plus technology works with the MIFARE infrastructure that is already in place. This indicates that companies may effortlessly upgrade their current MIFARE systems without imposing major fees. MIFARE Plus is the perfect option for organizations wishing to incorporate mobile inventory management since it is compatible with a broad range of smart devices, including smartphones.

Multiple Usage Options

Applications for MIFARE Plus technology are numerous and include payment systems, access control, and inventory management. Due to its adaptability, an inventory management system may be efficiently customized by enterprises to suit their unique requirements. Product tracking is another use for MIFARE Plus technology, allowing companies to monitor inventory movement across the supply chain.

High-Quality Performance

Even in difficult settings, the MIFARE Plus technology delivers dependable performance and high-speed data transfer. Businesses may use it to gather real-time inventory data, get rid of human mistakes, and organize their supply chain. By improving inventory visibility and dependability, decisions may be made more effectively and with more efficiency.

Advantages Of MIFARE Classic

The main advantage of MIFARE Classic over MIFARE Plus is its low cost and ease of use. As it has been around since 1994, many existing systems are already compatible with this technology so there is no need to invest in new hardware or software when upgrading from an older system using this technology. Additionally, it offers fast transaction times which makes it suitable for use in high-traffic areas such as public transport systems or retail stores where speed is essential.

Disadvantages Of MIFARE Plus

The main disadvantage of MIFARE Plus over MIFARE Classic is its higher cost due to the added security features that come with this technology. Additionally, while it supports multiple applications such as access control or loyalty programs, these require additional hardware or software investments which can add further costs if you want to take full advantage of all the features offered by this technology. Finally, while it provides enhanced security compared to its predecessor, it still does not offer the same level of protection as more advanced technologies such as Near Field Communication (NFC).

Disadvantages Of Mifare Classic

The main disadvantage of Mifare Classic over MiFare Plus is its lack of advanced security features such as AES 128-bit encryption which makes it vulnerable to fraudsters who may be able to copy data stored on cards using this technology without authorization or authentication protocols in place. Additionally, while it offers fast transaction times which make it suitable for high-traffic areas such as public transport systems or retail stores where speed is essential; these transactions are not secure enough for more sensitive applications such as banking or healthcare services where higher levels of protection are required from hackers or other malicious actors who may try to gain unauthorized access to data stored on cards using this technology.

Conclusion: Which Technology Is Right For You?

In conclusion; both MiFare Plus and MiFare classic have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on what type of application you need them for; however; if you require a higher level of security then MiFare plus would be the better choice due to its added layer of encryption that protects against fraudsters trying to copy data stored on cards using this technology without authorization. On the other hand; if you need a lower-cost solution with faster transaction times then MiFare classic would be more suitable due to its lower cost and faster processing speeds. Ultimately; choosing between these two technologies will depend upon your individual needs so make sure you weigh up all the pros and cons before making your decision.


  1. What is the difference between MiFare plus and MiFare classic?
    MiFare plus offers enhanced security through AES 128-bit encryption whereas MiFare classic does not provide any additional security measures beyond basic authentication protocols.
  2. What type of application would be best suited for MiFare plus?
    MiFare plus would be best suited for applications requiring a higher level of security such as banking or healthcare services where unauthorized access must be prevented.
  3. What type of application would be best suited for MiFare classic?
    MiFare classic would be best suited for applications requiring lower-cost solutions with faster transaction times such as public transport systems or retail stores where speed is essential.
  4. Does MiFare plus support multiple applications?
    Yes, MiFare plus supports multiple applications including access control, loyalty programs, ticketing systems, etc.
  5. Does MiFAre classic offer any additional features beyond basic authentication protocols? No, MiFAre classic does not offer any additional features beyond basic authentication protocols.
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