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Application of RFID-based technology in jewelry smart stores

jewelry manager

RFID technology has been rapidly developed and applied today, jewelry products RFID electronic, information is to strengthen the import and export management, customer management and sales management of important means.

RFID will greatly enhance the efficiency of jewelry enterprises (inventory, warehousing, in and out of the warehouse), at the same time, with the RFID technology of sensorless identification, in the sales chain will be able to display jewelry in a more technological way Commodity information, improve user experience, and can grasp real-time customer demand and behavior preferences and other consumer data.

The acquisition of these data will help jewelry companies to perceive the changes in market conditions at the first time, timely adjustment of the design and production, import, export and storage, as well as sales of the whole chain of strategies, to improve the speed of market response of enterprises to better seize market opportunities to provide a favorable help.

RFID technology advantages

Jewelry industry as the core of RFID jewelry warehousing, inventory, subject to the high cost of one-time investment, long system development cycle, the use of high requirements, slow revenue and other issues, in the actual promotion and application of resistance.

Therefore, change the traditional thinking to build RFID systems around jewelry sales as the core, will be able to overcome these problems, to help jewelry companies with the smallest risk, the least investment, the most intuitive feeling of RFID information technology to bring management innovation.

Based on RFID technology, for each piece of jewelry given an ID number information, both to solve the jewelry brand operation process of many problems, such as full traceability, intelligent sorting, fast inventory, double loss prevention, interactive experience and other functions, but also in the background to achieve the best-selling models and lagging data instant query and timely replenishment, greatly enhance the operational efficiency of the jewelry brand, and the overall image of the enterprise.

Whether it is a single link to improve, or the entire supply chain upgrade, will make the jewelry industry’s operations and management to obtain the benefits should not be underestimated. It is also a wise path to achieve irreproducible processes and differentiated competitive advantages for jewelry brands, to make bigger and stronger brands, and to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Technical drawbacks

Inventory management. Unlike traditional inventory management, jewelry is not mass-produced, and the styles and sizes of products produced after jewelry design are different, so it cannot be managed in accordance with traditional inventory management for undifferentiated goods. At the same time, jewelry as a high-value product, to maintain a high degree of consistency between physical information and book information, regular inventory of the entire store is inevitable, these are higher requirements and more challenges for the jewelry industry inventory management.

Customer management. Jewelry is a light luxury goods, this characteristic determines that it must have a deep understanding of the customer, to produce products loved by customers, but now the consumer upgrade is very fast, the concept of fashion is also changing rapidly, how to cater to customer preferences, the first time to do a good job of customer demand collection and other aspects of management, is many jewelry industry practitioners have to think about the problem.

Jewelry sales management. Also because of the special properties of jewelry, how to better show customers the characteristics of jewelry, how to create a better buying experience for customers, these have a vital role in making sales, therefore, for the jewelry industry, to improve the overall sales capacity of the store, purely rely on training a good jewelry salesman way has been increasingly limited.


Overall, the rapid development of social information technology has brought new challenges to the jewelry industry, how to successfully transform in this era of data analysis, become the key to every jewelry business to seek a breakthrough on a new journey.

In RFID technology has been rapidly developed and applied today, jewelry products RFID electronic, information technology is an important means to strengthen the management of sales and inventory, customer management and sales management. Shenzhen Quanshunhong through the introduction of RFID technology, will greatly enhance the efficiency of jewelry enterprises (inventory, point warehouse, in and out of storage), at the same time, with the help of RFID technology sensorless identification, in the sales chain will be able to display jewelry commodity information in a more technological way to improve the user experience, and can grasp real-time customer demand and behavior preferences and other consumer data.

The acquisition of these data will help jewelry companies to perceive the changes in the market situation at the first time, timely adjustment of the design and production, import, export and storage, as well as sales of the whole chain of strategies, to improve the speed of market response of enterprises to better seize market opportunities to provide a favorable help.

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